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Annexure-14, Application for Removal of Excisable Goods for Export by (Air/Sea/Post/Land).



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Application for removal of excisable goods for export by (Air/Sea/Post/Land)*

Superintendent of Central Excise
........................(Full Postal Address)

  1. Particulars of [Assistant/Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise]/Maritime Commissioner of Central Excise from whom rebate shall be claimed/with whom bond/undertaking is executed and his complete postal address.

  2. I/We ........ of ..............propose to export the under-mentioned consignment to ........... (Country of destination) by Air/Sea/Land/Parcel Post under claim for rebate/bond/undertaking*.

    Particulars of Manufacturer of goods-and his Central Excise Registration No. No. and Description of packages Gross weight/Net weight Marks and Nos. on packages Quantity of goods Description of Goods
    (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

    Value Duty No. and date of Invoice under which duty was paid/No. and date of bond/undertaking executed under Rule 19 Amount of Rebate claimed Remarks
    Rate Amt. (Rs.)
    (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

  3. I/We hereby certify that the above- mentioned goods have been manufactured.
    (a) availing facility/without availing facility of CENVAT credit under CENVAT Credit Rules, 2001

    (b) availing facility/without availing facility under Notification 41/2001-CE(N.T.), dated 26th June, 2001 issued under rule 18 of Central Excise(No.2) Rules, 2001.

    (c) availing facility/without availing facility under Notification 43/2001-CE(N.T.), dated 26th June, 2001 issued under rule 19 of Central Excise(No.2) Rules, 2001.
  4. I/We hereby declare that the export is in discharge of the export obligation under a Quantity based Advance Licence/ /Under Claim of Duty Drawback under Customs & Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 1995.

  5. I/We hereby declare that the above particulars are true and correctly stated.

    Time of Removal..................................

Signature of owner or his
Authorised agent with date.
Name in Block Letters & Designation (SEAL)


Certification by Central Excise Office

  1. Certified that duty has been paid by debit entry in the Personal Ledger Account No. .........and/or CENVAT Account Entry No............ or recorded as payable in Daily Stock Account, on the goods described overleaf.


    Certified that the owner has entered into Bond No. ............ under Rule 19 of Central Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001 with the........................……….[F.No.___________________], duly accepted by the Assistant Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise________ on _________(Date).

  2. Certified that I have opened and examined the packages No.....………………………......... and found that the particulars stated and the description of goods given overleaf and the packing list (if any) are correct and that all the packages have been stuffed in the container No. ............... with Marks .................. and the same has been sealed with Central Excise Seal/One Time Seal(OTS) No. .............

  3. I have verified with the records, the exporter is only availing the export incentives, as specified in box No.6. and found it to be true.

  4. Certified that I have drawn three representative samples from the consignment (wherever necessary) and have handed over, two sets thereof duly sealed to the exporter/his authorised representative.


    Date ......................

(Name in Block Letters)
Superintendent of Central Excise Signature
(Name in Block Letters)
Inspector of Central Excise



Certified that the consignment was shipped under my supervision under Shipping Bill No_______ dated _______by S.S./Flight No.________ which left on the_______ day of________ (Month)__________(year)


Certified that the above-mentioned consignment was stuffed in Container No._____________________ belonging to Shipping Line_____________ based on the “Let Export Order” given on ____________day of.________(Month)__________year) on the Shipping Bill No______ dated__________ and sealed by seal/one time lock No._______________ in my supervision and the container was handed over to the Custodian M/s_____________________ for being shipped via ___________________(Name of the Port).


Certified that the above-mentioned consignment has been duly identified and has passed the land frontier today at_______________ in its original condition under Bill of Exports No______________ Place_____________ Date_____________.

(Name and designation of the Customs
Officer in Block Letters)/(Seal)



Certified that the consignment described overleaf has been despatched by foreign post to ……………………… on......................day of 200……….

Place ………..

Date ……….

Signature of Post Master



(On Original, Duplicate and Triplicate)

Refund Order No……………….. dated ………………….. Rebate of Rs…………….. (Rupees ………………………………………..) sanctioned vide Cheque No. ………………dated …………………

Place ………..

Date ……….

Assistant/Deputy Commissioner/Maritime
Commissioner of Central Excise

*Strike out inapplicable portions.

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