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Form TR-6 For Payment Of Service Tax (Challan)


Major Head 0044 service Tax

TR-6/GAR 7 Challan No. ______________
(Treasury Rule 92/Receipt & Payment rules 26)

Challan of amount paid into
The ______________ (code No.)
Accounting Collectorate
(Code No.)
Name of the Bank/Branch with Code No.
Division ____________ (Code No.)
Range _____________ (Code No.)
Name of the Focal Point Bank _____________________
(Code No.) _______________
Name and address of the assessee
(Code No. _______________ ) By whom tendered

Full Particulars of remittance and of authority Head of accounts & Major Head (indicate against the appropriate Minor Head) Accounting Code No. By Cash Rs. Ps. By Cheque Draft / Pay Order etc. Rs. Ps. Counter Signature of the Departmental Officer (where required)

(in words) Rs._______________________________________________________________
Date____________________                                                                         Signature of the tenderer

(To be filled by the Bank)

Received payment (in word)
Space for Focal Point Bank
indicating the date, amount
credited to Government Account.
Bank's Receipt Stamp:
Signature of the Authorised Officer of the Bank

Name of the Bank_________________

(Please ensure that you have filled-in the correct details without which the department will not be responsible for proper adjustment of amount paid by you.)

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